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The meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM.
The meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM.

== Adjourned Meeting ==

# To be added

Latest revision as of 01:56, 16 August 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008, 7:00 PM
Newell-Simon Hall, CMU


Called to order at 7:40PM

  1. Reading and Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting - minutes from July meeting were approved as corrected
  1. Officer Reports
    1. Chair
    1. Vice Chair
  • There is now a WPLUG Linked-In group. The Vice Chair has sole control of the WPLUG Linked-In group.
    1. Secretary
  • Needs to meet with Ted to sync membership roles with old website information.
  • Request help in reconstructing membership roles
  • Mentioned that she will not run for for the board in 2008-2009 and discussed succession planning.
    1. Treasurer
  • Cash on hand = $60
  • Checking account = $794.38
    1. Member at Large - not present
  1. Committee Reports
    1. Program
  • Patrick Wagstrom is the speaker for the next GUM. He has been emailed asked for details.
  • Dave Kraus reported on SFD
    • More volunteers needed
    • The OpenCD is no longer available, Alternatives were discussed ie The Open Disc - http://www.theopendisc.com/
    • There is a need for an open source disc for MacOS users. Mike suggested FUGU http://rsug.itd.umich.edu/software/fugu/
    • No 64bit distributions were received
    • Lessons learned - install the software before burning copies
    • Table topics will be late October. The topic will be Open Source Jobs and HR issues. A venue is needed.
    • Mike will as if we can meet at the Pittsburgh Tech Council for the October meeting so that we can have nicer accommodations for our elections meeting.
  • Vance reported that he met a tech recruiter who wanted to sponsor a meeting. Dave expressed interest in building relationships with businesses and professionals.
    1. Public Relations
  • See Program committee for SFD issues
  • Jessie from Creative Treehouse mentioned that Refresh Pittsburgh would be interested in AJAX or any other internet programming topics. Intra-user-group meetings are always a good idea.
    1. Internet
  • Vance added spamhaus checks for spam for the wplug mail server. It just tags.
    1. Investigating - nothing to report
    1. Newsletter
  • There was no newsletter for July.
  • We should publish a newsletter for August.
    1. ErieLUG
  • Vance talked with current ErieLUG leadership. They are in search of speakers. Vance promised to ask recent wplug speakers if they are willing to speak for ErieLUG
  • Erie LUG asked for the installfest care kit to return to Erie LUG. Beth Lynn said that this kit is no longer in tact. The board agreed to look through current WPLUG inventory to create a new kit.
  1. Unfinished Business - none
  1. New Business

Membership roles need TLC. Lapsed members who paid will have a year of membership from the date they paid. Vance pointed out that lapsed members have a one-week waiting period before voting rights are restored. New members also have a one-week waiting period before voting rights are granted. The one week waiting period may be waved for new and lapsed members. Mike volunteered to assist the secretary with membership affairs on the date that he receives the membership list from the secretary until the end of the current board's term of service.

If anyone is storing any wplug assets, please mark what you have on the Inventory page on the wiki: http://www.wplug.org/w/index.php/Inventory

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P.M.


Regular Meeting

The regular meeting of the Western Pennsylvania Linux Users Group Board of Directors was held August 11, 2008 at Newell-Simon Hall, Carnegie Mellon University. The regular presiding officer called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and noted that a quorum was not present.

Vance Kochenderfer moved that when the meeting adjourns, it adjourn to meet at the call of the chair. The motion was adopted.

The meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM.