WPLUGBoard/Meeting-20070910: Difference between revisions

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(New page: = Agenda = # Minutes from Previous Meeting # Officer Reports ## Chair - Patrick Wagstrom ## Vice Chair - Vance Kochenderfer ## Secretary - Bill Moran ## Treasurer - Mike Hansell ## Member...)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 18:51, 13 April 2008


  1. Minutes from Previous Meeting
  2. Officer Reports
    1. Chair - Patrick Wagstrom
    2. Vice Chair - Vance Kochenderfer
    3. Secretary - Bill Moran
    4. Treasurer - Mike Hansell
    5. Member at Large - Beth Lynn Eicher
  3. Committee Reports
    1. Program
    2. Public Relations
    3. Internet
    4. Investigating
    5. Newsletter
    6. ErieLUG
  4. Unfinished Business
  5. New Business


  1. Called to order at 7:32 PM
  2. Previous meeting's minutes approved.
  3. Officer Reports
    1. Chair - Patrick Wagstrom
      1. It's very important to get the board to meetings on time, it was upsetting that some people were late to the business meeting at the GUM. It was good that everyone had their reports ready and the meeting went quickly.
      2. Patrick to investigate getting a key to the CMU rooms, in case Ted runs in to difficulty. As long as there's someone associated with SCS, we should be able to use the rooms in Newell-Simon.
      3. South Hills Giant Eagle may have a usable venue if needed.
      4. Jared (PTC) is open to allowing us to meet at PTC facilities in case of an emergency.
      5. The board should actively foster relationships that allow us access to other venues in the event CMU is unavailable.
      6. We have a nice pool of nominees for the board.
      7. There will be a cake at OLF during the pre-party on Friday, Sept 28. We need to approve money for the October meeting for cake, etc.
      8. Mike S. understands our reservations to slicehost. Vance will register a Linode account and Mike will write a reimbursement check. We previously voted to spend $300/year and the $20/month plan looks good.
    2. Vice Chari - Vance Kochenderfer
      1. Executrain may offer a training discount for WPLUG employees, but Vance has not heard back despite contacting them.
      2. Vance will soon be getting a quote for business cards.
    3. Secretary - Bill Moran
      1. It's OK to give a 30-day grace period for folks who want to renew but can't get money until the next meeting.
      2. PO box has been renewed
      3. Ballots for the election need to be sent out
    4. Treasurer - Mike Hansell
      1. $60 in dues collected
      2. Account balance: $506.89
    5. Member at large - Beth Eicher
      1. Pittsburgh Perl workshop is having difficulty. It would be nice to promote the event for them. They are also looking for volunteer help for the October 13/14 event
      2. SNAPgh has indefinitely lost their venue
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Program
      1. Each board member should analyze how the programming went last year. We have stuck to meeting dates, does it matter? Was the quality of the speakers good enough? Was it wise to scale back to only 1 meeting per month and one installfest every 3 months? Please write up your opinions and bring them to the next meeting.
      2. There are two leads for the October meeting, if neither work, Patrick will give a talk either on Python or MythTV. It would be good to have the new board plan the December meeting.
      3. The November installfest is shortly after the new board takes over. Ideas for theme? Fedorafest? Gentoofest?
      4. Most committees are actually run by the board. It'd be good for the new board to actively recruit committee members.
      5. About 15 people have signed up for the mailing list for the activities fair.
      6. Greg Simkins got a quote on a WPLUG poster.
      7. Bryan Smith signed up to help Ted with LPI work.
      8. Vance bought 2 mugs and a tote bag from Cafe Press. Please bring to next meeting.
    2. PR
      1. The activities fair is probably worth doing again
      2. Software Freedom Day looks good. Need 20 or 30 CD cases or sleeves.
    3. Internet
      1. We're buying them a virtual server
    4. Investigating
      1. The complaint has been rectified (found to be without cause).
    5. Newsletter
      1. Never heard back from Bobbie on books, apparently she's interested
      2. ErieLUG is alive and kicking
      3. Software Freedom Day looks good, we think what we're doing is legal.
      4. Greg Simkins needs to fill out a form for what he wants for the sign so we can approve it.
  5. Next meeting is the Monday after elections (Oct 22)
  6. Adjourned 9:20