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== Meeting Minutes ==
== Meeting Minutes ==

To be added.

The regular monthly meeting of the Western Pennsylvania Linux Users Group was held on Saturday, December 11, 2010, at 11:05 AM, at the Wilkins School Community Center, the regular presiding officer being in the chair and the Secretary being present. The [[Meeting-20101113#Meeting_Minutes|minutes of the November 13, 2010 meeting]] were approved as read.

The Chair reported on the proposed arrangement for meetings for the coming year. This would see a reduction in the number of General User Meetings and the addition of weeknight "table topics" discussions.

The Secretary reported that WPLUG currently has 25 members.

The Treasurer reported that there is $652.42 in the checking account. $7.88 was paid out of the refreshment fund. An additional amount of $40 in dues received is yet to be deposited.

The Program Committee reported that the next General User Meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 8, 2011 in the Wilkins School Community Center auditorium.

The Newsletter Committee reported that there is a shortage of articles for publication. Articles can be submitted or discussed by contacting

It was reported that the ErieLUG Revival Committee has disbanded. Despite efforts to stimulate interest in Erie, no one there has stepped forward to organize events. Beth Lynn Eicher now personally owns the domain name; anyone interested in reconstituting ErieLUG and setting up a web site should contact her.

Vance Kochenderfer moved "to amend section 5.1 of the Bylaws by striking the words 'on a monthly basis,' and to amend section 5.2 of the Bylaws by striking the word 'October' and inserting 'November.'" After debate, the motion was approved to be put to the membership by absentee ballot.

The meeting adjourned at 11:36 AM.

Vance Kochenderfer<br>
Secretary, Western Pennsylvania Linux Users Group


== Meeting Staff ==
== Meeting Staff ==

Revision as of 20:48, 18 December 2010

WPLUG will have a General User Meeting and presentation on Saturday, December 11, 2010, starting at 11am at the Wilkins School Community Center.

Schedule for the Day

10:30am - Doors open, set up
11:00am - Business Meeting starts
11:30am - Featured Presentation
12:30pm - Meeting ends, everyone out. We are likely to go to D's 6pack or Square Cafe for lunch.


The Future of the Linux Desktop, a "table topics" discussion run by Beth Lynn Eicher of

We will have an open discussion with the following questions to guide the discussion:

  • Will 2011 be the year of the Linux desktop?
  • Do tablets and smart phones make the desktop irrelevant?
  • What can you do with the Linux desktop?
  • What can't you do with a Linux desktop?
  • Are you using Free Software on other operating systems such as Firefox and OpenOffice.Org? If so, do you feel this helps or hurts the Linux desktop?
  • What distributions are friendliest to desktop use?
  • Where have you seen the Linux desktop deployed?

Meeting Minutes


The regular monthly meeting of the Western Pennsylvania Linux Users Group was held on Saturday, December 11, 2010, at 11:05 AM, at the Wilkins School Community Center, the regular presiding officer being in the chair and the Secretary being present. The minutes of the November 13, 2010 meeting were approved as read.

The Chair reported on the proposed arrangement for meetings for the coming year. This would see a reduction in the number of General User Meetings and the addition of weeknight "table topics" discussions.

The Secretary reported that WPLUG currently has 25 members.

The Treasurer reported that there is $652.42 in the checking account. $7.88 was paid out of the refreshment fund. An additional amount of $40 in dues received is yet to be deposited.

The Program Committee reported that the next General User Meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 8, 2011 in the Wilkins School Community Center auditorium.

The Newsletter Committee reported that there is a shortage of articles for publication. Articles can be submitted or discussed by contacting

It was reported that the ErieLUG Revival Committee has disbanded. Despite efforts to stimulate interest in Erie, no one there has stepped forward to organize events. Beth Lynn Eicher now personally owns the domain name; anyone interested in reconstituting ErieLUG and setting up a web site should contact her.

Vance Kochenderfer moved "to amend section 5.1 of the Bylaws by striking the words 'on a monthly basis,' and to amend section 5.2 of the Bylaws by striking the word 'October' and inserting 'November.'" After debate, the motion was approved to be put to the membership by absentee ballot.

The meeting adjourned at 11:36 AM.

Vance Kochenderfer
Secretary, Western Pennsylvania Linux Users Group


Meeting Staff

If you would like to volunteer to assist with this meeting, please add your name to one or more of the categories below.

  • Host: Your name here
  • Co-Host: Your name here
  • Donuts/Bagels: Judi G.
  • Setup: Your name here, Your name here
  • Clean Up: Your name here, Your name here


  • Your name/location here