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WPLUG will have a General User Meeting and presentation on Saturday, March 14, 2015 starting at 3:00pm at HackPittsburgh.

Schedule for the Day

3:00pm - Doors open, set up
3:15pm - Business Meeting starts
3:30pm - Featured presentation
5:00pm - Meeting ends, everyone out.

Please note that the St. Patrick's Day parade will be taking place Downtown from 10:00am to 1:00pm. It should be wrapped up by 3:00pm, but there may still be traffic and bus service disruptions remaining afterward.


Speaker: Charles Butler

Topic: Livestreaming Tools

Its a common misconception that Linux is not robust enough to be a full fledged media editing machine. I've spent quite a while sifting through the tools and putting together an amateur studio. I'll be sharing my insight into the software, hardware, and services that will expedite your endeavours to be a content creator on the Linux Desktop.

We will be covering audio production, distribution, and the hardware to get you started with your own in-house audio workshop. We will also briefly touch the subject of Video content production, and distribution mediums as well.

Slides are on Speaker Deck: [slide deck]

Meeting Minutes

To be added.

Meeting Staff

If you would like to volunteer to assist with this meeting, please add your name to one or more of the categories below.

  • Host: User:Oflameo
  • Co-Host: Justin Smith
  • Setup: John Lewis
  • Clean Up: John Lewis


  • Your name/location here