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Venue Info

Meeting to be held at Smallman Street Deli at 1912 Murray Avenue in Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, PA 15217 at 7:30pm, Tuesday, July 21, 2014.


  • Approve minutes of June 16 board meeting
  • List your item here
  • List your item here
  • List your item here


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Western Pennsylvania Linux Users Group was held on Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 7:37 PM at the Smallman Street Deli in Squirrel Hill, the regular presiding officer being in the chair and the secretary being present. The minutes of the June 16, 2015 meeting were approved as distributed.

The Chair reported that he upgraded the server on Linode from a Xen instance to a KVM instance.

The Vice-Chair reported that no quorum was present at the July 11 General User Meeting. He recommended meeting on the third Saturday of the month. He stated that he will continue to attempt to get our events listed with Pittsburgh Code and Supply and pursue holding a joint event with ComputerReach.

The Secretary reported that there are currently 18 members, with one member recently renewing.

The Treasurer reported that there is $439.56 in the checking account. Recently deposited was $20.00 in dues, and recent expenses were $30.00 for reserving the picnic shelter and $12.50 to Linode for the server.

A discussion was held on using the refreshment fund to purchase food for the upcoming picnic to be held on August 8. It was considered that this could be done with no vote necessary, as the fund is already designated for this purpose.

It was moved to schedule the upcoming General User Meetings for September 19, October 17, November 21, and December 19 at HackPittsburgh, subject to availability of the venue. The motion was adopted.

The meeting adjourned at 8:12 PM.

(Approved on August 18, 2015 - VK)