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Western PA Linux User Group Installfest

Simple details

What: An installfest is the perfect opportunity for you to try out Linux on your computer and see what others are doing with Linux. Those who just want to see what Linux is about can enjoy the program. No experience with Linux or computers is required.

When: The date of the installfest is Saturday June 6. The library is open 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. therefore the hours of the installfest will be 10:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.

Where: Brookline Library on the Children's floor meeting room.

At the installfest you can...

  • Bring in your computer from home and install Linux with the help of the area's leading experts. Help with configuring additional hardware or software on a pre-installed Linux machine is also available.
  • Get a free copy of Linux that you can take home and experiment with on your own time and at your own pace.
  • Play family-safe free games that you can take home and use on your own computer.
  • See what others are doing with Linux and free software in your area.
  • Learn how Linux and free software can help your home, non-profit, or business.
  • Get advice on how to get started on Linux on your desktop, laptop, or server when you are ready.

All of this is FREE!.


From 11 until 12 P.M. we will show how to configure filters to keep your children safe while browsing the internet with Firefox. From Noon until 1 P.M. we will demonstrating "Qimo 4 Kids" which is a distribution of Linux for young children. This is a nice setup for those who just want some simple games. Qimo has no internet access which means you do not have to worry From 1 P.M to 2 P.M. we will boot a Linux Live CD and play some family-friendly games. No experience with Linux or computers is required.

What do I need to do to attend

If you just want to see the program, just show up! If you are planning an installation and you have questions before the meeting, email events AT wplug DOT org.

Those attempting an install

Bring your computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and power cables. A computer that is less than 5 years old with a cd drive and network card is highly recommended.

Internet access local area network will be provided for those who are installing or configuring free and open source software.

Show up sooner rather than later allow yourself enough time to accomplish a complete install. The last install will start at 1:30 P.M.