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Venue Info

Meeting to be held at Smallman Street Deli at 1912 Murray Avenue in Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, PA 15217. 6:00pm, Tuesday, February 1, 2011.




The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Western Pennsylvania Linux Users Group was held on Tuesday, February 1, 2011, at 6:15 PM, at Smallman Street Deli in Squirrel Hill, the regular presiding officer being in the chair and the Secretary being present. The minutes of the January 4, 2011 meeting were approved as previously distributed.

The Chair reported that the Eureka Bank checking account has been closed.

The Vice-Chair reported that he is working on an announcement for the February "table topics" meeting and will circulate a draft for comment.

The Secretary reported that there are currently 26 members.

The Treasurer reported that the final balance in the closed Eureka Bank checking account was $732.42. The post office box renewal has been received and will cost $72.00. The refreshment fund has approximately $85 in cash. He also reported that a new checking account has been established at First Commonwealth Bank. Vance Kochenderfer moved to authorize the Treasurer to spend up to $30.00 to purchase checks for the new account. The motion was adopted.

The Director-at-Large reported that he is still contacting local schools to see who is using Linux. He also reported that he has been watching the #wplug IRC channel and it has been mostly inactive.

The Internet Committee reported that it was uncertain of the best method for storing passwords/credentials for external services. Beth Lynn Eicher suggested recording them on paper and mailing them to the WPLUG PO box for safekeeping. Stan Slomberg volunteered to check into whether the post office would have a problem with long-term storage of an envelope in the PO box.

The Program Committee reported that the following event dates have been established:

March 7 (Monday) - Site visit at Red Hat lab at CMU
March 12, 1-5pm - Installfest at Monroeville Public Library
June 11, 11am-3pm - Installfest at Brookline Library
December 3, 1-5pm - Installfest at Northland Public Library
August 21 (Sunday) - Picnic at Snyder Park in Whitehall

Vance Kochenderfer moved to authorize the Treasurer to spend $30.00 as a donation to Monroeville Public Library for the use of the room for the March installfest. The motion was adopted.

Beth Lynn Eicher moved to reschedule the March Board of Directors meeting to March 3, 2011 at Crazy Mocha at the corner of Hobart and Murray in Squirrel Hill. The motion was adopted.

Beth Lynn Eicher moved to create an e-mail alias (concerns@wplug.org) for the Investigating Committee. This would be available for individuals to report problems directly to the committee without needing involvement by the Board of Directors. The motion was adopted.

The Public Relations Committee reported that Michael Loomis has agreed to join, and David Kraus and Matt Hughes will be leaving as committee members. Terry Golightly noted that he will be working with the committee for promoting Software Freedom Day.

Terry Golightly stated that he was developing a final list of committee members and would present this at the next Board of Directors meeting.

Beth Lynn Eicher stated that she would contact the local Cocoaheads organization to arrange for a joint meeting featuring a presentation by Greg Casamento of the GNUstep project.

The meeting adjourned at 8:19 PM.

Vance Kochenderfer
Secretary, Western Pennsylvania Linux Users Group