
Revision as of 02:53, 11 January 2015 by Vance (talk | contribs) (→‎Minutes: add minutes)
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Venue Info

Meeting to be held at IBM Squirrel Hill, located on the third floor of 1710 Murray Avenue in Squirrel Hill at 7:30pm, Tuesday, December 16, 2014.


  • Approve minutes of November 25 board meeting
  • Any lingering board transition items
  • GUM or social meeting for January
  • List your item here
  • List your item here



The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Western Pennsylvania Linux Users Group was held on Tuesday, December 16, 2014, at 7:42 PM, at the IBM offices in Squirrel Hill, the regular presiding officer being in the chair and the Secretary being present. All members of the board were present. The minutes of the November 25, 2014 meeting were approved as distributed.

The Chair reported that that he sent the letter to the IRS to update them on WPLUG's new principal officer. He has not yet visited the bank to obtain signature authority on the account.

The Vice-Chair reported that he was working with HackPittsburgh on having WPLUG meetings there.

The Secretary reported that WPLUG has 11 members. He reported that all those appointed to committees at the November 25 meeting of the Board accepted their appointments. He noted that no one had been designated to chair the Investigating Committee and moved that Justin Smith be appointed as chair of this committee. The motion was adopted.

The Treasurer reported that there is $297.06 in the WPLUG bank account. He also has $40.00 in dues on hand yet to be deposited, and is anticipating another renewal for $20.00.

The Director at Large stated that he would like to see WPLUG hold more instructional events at an introductory level, and suggested this be done in place of the installfests which have largely been discontinued.

The Technology Committee reported that the wplug.org domain name will expire in March 2015. Vance Kochenderfer moved that it be renewed for five years at a cost of $65.00. The motion was adopted. The Committee also reported that the SSL certificate still needs to be deployed on the server, and a member portal developed.

The Event Committee reported that a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University who submitted a talk proposal to Ohio LinuxFest had been e-mailed to see if he was interested in presenting at WPLUG. No response has yet been received, but the request was only sent a few days ago.

The Marketing & Communications Committee suggested sending out iCalendar files along with meeting announcements.

Pat Barron stated he would be able to present on multi-factor authentication at the January GUM, to be held at HackPittsburgh on January 10 from 3:00-5:00pm. Vance Kochenderfer stated he would solicit on the wplug-plan mailing list for future presenters.

The meeting adjourned at 8:28 PM.