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Venue Info

Meeting to be held at Pittsburgh Filmmakers at 7:30pm, Tuesday, September 16, 2014.


  • Approve minutes of August 19 board meeting
  • Discuss plans for next GUM
  • Discuss plans for Software Freedom Day
  • Discuss plans for Ohio Linuxfest
  • Discuss upcoming elections
  • List your item here
  • List your item here



The meeting was called to order at at 7:37 PM, with all board members present.

Reports of Officers

The Chair reported that Daniel Mross' bitcoin documentary, The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin, has been released. There is a viewing party for the movie on October 7th at the SouthSide Works Cinema, and the Chair suggested that maybe WPLUG should team up for the viewing party. The Chair also mentioned that there's quite a bit of older Mac equipment at Pittsburgh Filmmakers that could be repurposed. The Chair will discuss some of these possibilities under New Business.

The Vice Chair had nothing to report.

The Treasurer reported that as of the last bank statement, there was $301.42 in the bank account, which includes $50.97 in deposits. There's also $20.00 in undeposited dues, as well as $30.00 that was paid to the Wilkins School Community Center (WSCC) for the room rental for the last general user meeting (GUM). The Treasurer mentioned that he will likely make a donation to WPLUG to help cover the costs of the server migration that was done recently as well.

The Secretary reported that currently there's 12 members of WPLUG after several people did not renew their memberships.

The Director-at-Large has nothing to report.

New Business

The Treasurer proposed that the board ratify the action of paying WSCC $30.00 for the recent GUM room rental. He would also like to propose that the board ratify the expense for the $2.50/month Linode server backups for wplug.org. The Treasurer also stated that the Chair of the internet committee (himself) should make backup of the old WPLUG server and then shut it down by the end of the week. The proposals made by the Treasurer were approved by all.

The next item of discussion was the plan for future GUMs. The Vice Chair mentioned that he can still do his copyright talk, which while it will focus mainly on software, it should be able to spill over to other topics such as media production. The October GUM will be the meeting where nominations will happen for the 2014-2015 WPLUG board. According to the bylaws, at least 28 days notice for nominations must happen, which means that the second Saturday of October will not work. The plan is have the next GUM on the third Saturday of October, which is October 18th. The Vice Chair will set up a wiki page and the details can be filled in later. The meeting will likely be at Pittsburgh Filmmakers though.

The Chair mentioned that there is a storage closet at Pittsburgh Filmmakers with a lot of old Macs and that is quite full. He was given permission by the Director of Administration to be able to install Linux on the machines, and feel free to give them away, as long as Pittsburgh Filmmakers is credited. Given this fact, maybe some collaboration could be done with the CMU computer club for their upcoming installfest.

With respect to WPLUG hosting a Software Freedom Day event, the Vice Chair mentioned that he could not find a community day event, as it is too late in the year for those to occur. The only suggestion at the moment is to maybe roll this into an event like the CMU computer club installfest, which happens on October 1st.

The Treasurer plans to attend a CMU computer club meeting on September 17th, which is before the installfest. He will report back to see if they are interested in doing a joint event. The Chair mentioned that he will keep in contact with some of the CMU computer club members via IRC as well.

With respect to a November speaker, it is possible that somebody from the CMU computer club may want to give a talk. Other candidates are people like Bill Moran about Android game development or Don Vosburg about OpenSUSE. Another possiblity is getting somebody from NASA to talk about how they use open source. With respect to local companies, getting somebody from Astrobotic or Pair could be options as well.

The meeting concluded at 8:14 PM.