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Latest revision as of 15:12, 21 August 2013


The meeting was called to order at 9:04 PM. All members of the WPLUG Board of Directors were present: Chair Pat Barron, Vice Chair/Secretary Justin Smith, Treasurer Terry Golightly, and Director-at-Large Joe Prostko.


Pat reports that WPLUG hasn't received the promotional items it ordered for Software Freedom Day. Walter White, a local software developer, has agreed to present his programs at next month's GUM. Pat is still trying to work out licensing issues for his planned Android development workshop: since it's illegal to redistribute the Android SDK and Google throttles connections to its download server, participants would have to download it in advance unless another solution can be reached. Pat tentatively plans to attend Open Hack, a platform-agnostic event organized by PGH Ruby, next Monday to work on an online payment gateway for WPLUG. Beside being able to get work done in a collaborative environment, it's also a great opportunity to meet people who may be willing to further assist WPLUG.

Justin reports that two new people joined WPLUG at the picnic earlier this month, bringing the current roster to 17 members. A third new applicant has yet to send in his dues.

Terry reports that WPLUG's bank account balance is $681.81. He still needs to deposit $40 in dues from the two new members mentioned above. Pat activated WPLUG's Coinbase account, which will eventually be used to accept Bitcoin payments for membership dues. Pat intends to make a donation of $60 to WPLUG to cover excess costs of the the WPLUG picnic.

Joe's attempts to contact Klaatu in regard to helping or promoting WPLUG's Web site project have failed. He will attempt to contact Klaatu using alternative email addresses and update the board on his progress.


The board considered possible locations for September's GUM. Justin suggested The Lighthouse Foundation, an outreach center in Valencia that he has personal connections with, since it attracts needy families who would stand to benefit from learning about free software alternatives to expensive commercial products like Microsoft Office. (The GUM will coincide with Software Freedom Day.) Pat argued that WPLUG doesn't necessarily have to hold a Software Freedom Day event on Software Freedom Day and pointed out that the respondents in WPLUG's member survey earlier this year wanted WPLUG's events to be moved to a central location in Pittsburgh. The board was unable to decide on a venue for September's GUM. The Events Committee will investigate possibilities, including Wilkins School Community Center.

As mentioned earlier, Pat needs to work out licensing issues for his Android workshop.

WPLUG member Vance Kochenderfer will make an official announcement about Ohio Linux Fest.

The board unanimously agreed to hold a Birds of Feathers social gathering at Ohio Linux Fest. It will be a discussion about how the concept of a LUG has failed to change even though technology and society today are profoundly different than when LUGs were originally conceived. Just like the Linux community is developing modern replacement for dated components such as the X Window System, the board will attempt to gather ideas for how LUGs and Linux enthusiasts in the area could work together to create a new sort of LUG.

The board was unable to decide on a title for the Birds of Feathers event. It will settle on one over the next few days and then attempt to get a 7:00 p.m. time slot, with 8:00 p.m. as the second choice.

Justin urged the board to take the first steps of redesigning WPLUG.org since the project has been drifting aimlessly for months. The board agreed to set up an instance of WordPress on the server by the end of the month. Since Pat experienced severe slowdown problems with the WordPress theme that Justin suggested using, the board agreed to defer a decision on which theme to use for the new WPLUG.org.


Meeting was adjourned at 10:18 PM.