[wplug-board] Need to recall some meeting minutes

Bill Moran wmoran at potentialtech.com
Thu Jul 13 20:30:43 EDT 2006

"David Ostroske" <eksortso at gmail.com> wrote:

> Guys, I need to pick your brains for a bit. After my laptop crashed, I
> recorded the rest of tonight's board meeting on paper. But I lost some
> of my notes in the crash. I'd like to compose those notes again.
> I'll recall, as well as I can, what we discussed, or otherwise just
> ask what we discussed. If you can fill in the blanks, or correct my
> errors, then I could get the minutes out by Saturday.
> Here goes. I need to recollect everything starting from the
> feasibility study and stopping just before the quorum matters were
> taken up.
> * Feasibility study
> Beth Lynn reported that there would be two major expenses that we
> would need to cover: flying over the LugRadio people, and getting a
> venue for the event. Beth estimated that a round-trip flight to and
> from England for four people would cost about $4,000. So we would need
> to economize when choosing a venue. She suggested a lecture hall in
> Carnegie Library in Pittsburgh but had higher recommendations for the
> Carnegie Library in Carnegie, PA, which offers a large seating
> capacity. (How many people would it seat?)
> Bill reported that he had attempted to contact the Confluence
> organizers to get some convention advice. However, they are currently
> busy with getting their own convention together. Bill will contact
> them again after Confluence 2006 ends, in about two weeks.
> (Just for fun, here's Confluence's website:
> http://parsec-sff.org/confluence/index.html )
> * Gmail-hosted email accounts
> After considering the consequences of providing email services to
> WPLUG members through Gmail's domain-hosting services, Dave offered to
> survey the members of WPLUG to see how many members are truly
> interested in this sort of thing. If enough members (I won't include
> the number in the survey) express interest, then we will pursue the
> matter further.
> * Moving Installfest to a quarterly schedule
> It was noted at the meeting that the installfest held on Labor Day
> weekend had an unusually low turnout, and that the installfest held on
> July 8th was well-attended. We agreed to refer the matter to the
> Program Committee, who will determine if holding installfests on a
> quarterly basis, rather than once every two months.
> Then we took up quorum-boosting measures, and that's when my hard
> drive went nuts. (You may be pleased to learn that It's working
> perfectly now. I just had to push it back into place when I got home.)
> So, did I remember these fact correctly? I could leave out the
> parenthetical comments if there's nothing more that needs to be added.

I don't remember anything additional, Dave.  I think you managed to
capture it all.

Bill Moran

They want us alive when they eat us.

	River Tam

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