[wplug-plan] [Fwd: Feb. 7th Meeting]

John Harrold jmh17 at pitt.edu
Tue Jan 27 07:59:40 EST 2004

| Max,
| I'm terribly sorry that you found the door locked.  The Newel-Simon Hall
| is a large building, and any time I've been there, most of the doors are
| locked.  The back door (as shown on the map) is always open for LUG
| meetings, but this can be difficult to find if you're not familiar with
| the building.
| There is a phone in the room where the meetings are held that you can
| call if you're nearby and having trouble getting in.  I thought the number
| was on the wplug web site, but I haven't been able to find it.  Perhaps
| someone else can provide that information.

i think this is the number:
412 268 7579

according to this email:


                                               | /"\
 john harrold                                  | \ / ASCII ribbon campaign
      jmh at member.fsf.org                    |  X  against HTML mail
           the most useful idiot               | / \
 What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless,
 whether the mad destruction is brought under the name of totalitarianism or
 the holy name of liberty and democracy?
gpg --keyserver keys.indymedia.org --recv-key F65A739E
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