[wplug-plan] Pizza issues -- was Draft script for hosts

Greg Simkins gregsim at telerama.com
Fri Mar 31 15:35:03 EST 2006

Add one complaint from one guy who got no pizza at all at the last meeting.

How many slices gets ordered for each $5?  It seems like I should have 
gotten a slice or two.  By the time I got into the room, the swarm of 
locusts had consumed everything.  The pizza process sucks!

Very truly yours,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brian Sammon" <wplug-plan-list at brisammon.fastmail.fm>
To: "Planning List for WPLUG" <wplug-plan at wplug.org>
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [wplug-plan] Pizza issues -- was Draft script for hosts

>> Really I don't have that strong of an opinion regarding this, but I
>> figure anything that makes vegetarians feel like "those travelling with
>> young infants or those who need a little extra time to get down the
>> jetway" is a plus.
>> So the rule was created because we had a few vegetarians complain.
> As I understand/remember it, it was _one_ vegetarian who complained.
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