WPLUGBoard/Meeting-20071029: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 05:44, 20 November 2007

Monday, October 29th, 2007, 7:30 PM


  1. Minutes from Previous Meeting
  2. Officer Reports
    1. Chair
    2. Vice Chair
    3. Secretary
    4. Treasurer
    5. Member at Large
  3. Committee Reports
    1. Program
    2. Public Relations
    3. Internet
    4. Investigating
    5. Newsletter
    6. ErieLUG
  4. Unfinished Business
  5. New Business

Items for Discussion

  • Selection and announcement of new officers
  • Set board meeting schedule for next 12 months
  • Set GUM/event schedule for next 12 months
  • Appointment of committee members
    • Internet Committee
    • Program Committee
    • Investigating Committee
    • Newsletter Committee
    • ErieLUG Revival Committee
    • Public Relations Committee
  • Misc. payments (some of these may already be approved so don't need a vote, just a check)
  • Review and update WPLUG goals

Meeting Minutes

Physically Present Patrick Wagstrom - outgoing chair Vance Kochenderfer - outgoing Vice Chair and new chair Bill Moran - outgoing secretary Beth Lynn Eicher - outgoing member at large and new secretary Ted Rodgers - new member at large Mike Semcheski - new Vice chair

Virtually Present Mike Hansell - outgoing treasurer Dave Kraus - new treasurer

  • Call to order 7:45 PM
  1. Minutes from Previous Meeting
    1. Not available
  2. Officer Reports
    1. Chair
      1. Nothing to report
    2. Vice Chair
      1. There may be membership information in the PO box
    3. Secretary
      1. Nothing to report
    4. Treasurer
      1. There is money that needs to be deposited as dues
      2. Arranging for transfer of the checkbook and mailbox key - will be returning to Pgh over Thanksgiving
    5. Member at Large
      1. Intends to work toward women's SIG in 2008
  3. Committee Reports
    1. Program
      1. Installfest Nov 10. Will have OpenSolaris media and there may be a tech from Sun in attendance. Will attempt to set up an OpenSolaris VM that can PXE boot for net installs (Ted will bring a box). Room 1507 @ CMU.
      2. Attempts to contact Michael Skowvron have not succeeded
      3. Neil Sofge to talk about Bricolage in December.
      4. Beth Lynn Eicher would like to do a weeknight meeting as early as December. Will start discussion on wplug-plan@
    2. Public Relations
    3. Internet
      1. Have resolved password problems.
    4. Investigating
      1. No report. Mike Hansell in NY, but liable to continue on committee
    5. Newsletter
    6. ErieLUG
  4. Unfinished Business
    1. Jennifer Landefield has an uncertain amount of WPLUG funds from her time as treasurer 7 - 8 years ago. BL will approach her to settle up.
  5. New Business
    1. New board: Chair Vance K., Vice-chair Mike Semcheski, Treasurer Dave K., Secretary Beth E., Ted R. as Member at large
      1. Patrick to send out notice of new board
    2. Committee Appointments
      1. Internet Committee: Beth Lynn, Mike S., Dave O., Dave K.
      2. Program Committee: Beth Lynn, Ted R., Mike S., Brian S.
      3. Investigating Committee: Mike H., Bill M.
      4. Newsletter Committee: Mark D., Vance K., Mike S.
      5. ErieLUG Revival Committee: Vance K., Beth Lynn, Chris T., Dave K., Dave O.
      6. PR Committee: Mike S., Ted R., Brian S., Dave K.
    3. Moved to reimburse Patrick $20 for member of the year card: passed without opposition
    4. Linode charged additional money to Vance for our server account, but the amount is still within the previously approved amount
    5. Vance got a quote for new business cards: $50 for 500, $70 for 1000. Vance & Ted to continue research
    6. The board mailing list needs switched to the new members
    7. info@wplug.org to be redirected to Mike S.
    8. top@wplug.org needs adjusted for new members
    9. events@wplug.org needs investigated to see who should be on it
    10. The board defers site decisions to the Internet committed, but recommends maintaining the wiki and mailman and recommends that a third party service such as Google apps be investigated for CMS, and recommends that at least 2 admin accounts exist on the hosted service at any time.
    11. WPLUG goals discussion deferred until the November 19 meeting
  • Adjourned at 10:28 PM