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# Brian A Seklecki's general bash_profile. # # $Id: .bash_profile,v 1.10 2002/12/24 01:50:21 lavalamp Exp lavalamp $ # # ~/.bash_login not needed # Maintained on ( from late 1998 -> late 2001 # Entered into CVS on on Sun Mar 10 20:32:00 EST 2002 # At that time, decided to re-write quite a bit due to new reference: # "Learning the BASH Shell" -- O`Reilly & Associates -- 2nd Edition # Set the prompt - made for using a nice terminal like SecureCRT on a box that does at least 1280x1024 # export PS1='[\d @ \@] \u@\h:$PWD\$ ' # old school PS1 12/11/00 # Some 'To-Do's # #### # *) READ A BLOODY CONF FILE # *) Use functions() # *) better use of $UNAME cases # *) Cleaner output @ login # *) Need X/11 $DISPLAY hashing to test for SSH Tunnel Forwarding ##### #### # All functions and prototypes below this point #### # we need a quick check here because $OLDPWD doesn't get # reset if you just press enter, and it SHOULDN'T # so you can "cd -", but we need some way of telling # we've been here before so the first IF doesn't false # positive on us! function getDirDiskUsage { local CFN=".curDirDiskUsage" # KEY NOITE: THE CACHE IS ONLY GOOD ONCE WE'RE IN THE DIR # ONCE WE LEAVE THE DIR WE NEED TO REMOVE IT if [ -r $CFN ] ; then # we have a cachefile # must have just pressed enter from last prompt #echo -n "D1 " echo -n $(cat $CFN) elif [ -w . ] ; then # IN A SUBDIR OF ~ AND --> # NO CACHE-FILE, REMOVE LAST DIR'S STALE CACHE FILE # AND DO THE THE CACHE FOR NEW DIR #echo -n "D2 " if [ -w $OLDPWD/$CFN ]; then rm $OLDPWD/.curDirDiskUsage fi echo -n $(du -Hs . 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1}') > $CFN echo -n $(cat $CFN) else # MUST NOT BE IN ~ SUBDIR OR WRITEABLE DIR # JUST DO DU(1) #echo -n "D3 " if [ -w $OLDPWD/$CFN ]; then rm $OLDPWD/.curDirDiskUsage fi echo -n $(du -Hs . 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1}') fi } function getNumberOfJobs { wcOut=$(jobs | wc -l | sed -e 's/space://g') echo -n $wcOut } function parseDFAlias { # the df alias is very special # no two OSs share the same syntax, although they all claim to be posix compliant # hmmm # setup to print inodes as well # use 'human readable' flag if possible # ASSUME $BLOCKSIZE IS SET case $_uname in NetBSD*) alias df="/bin/df -i" ;; OpenBSD*) alias df="/bin/df -i" ;; FreeBSD*) alias df="/bin/df -iH" ;; Linux*) alias df="/bin/df -h" ;; SunOS*) alias df='/usr/bin/df -F ufs -o i ; echo "*****************************************************************" ; /usr/bin/df -k' ;; esac #close function } function setUpX11 { case $DISPLAY in ":0"*) echo "# X/11 Style : Local" echo "# X/11 Display : $DISPLAY" ;; "") echo "# X/11 Style : Disabled" ;; *) if [ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]; then echo "# X/11 Style : Unknown/Remote CLEARTEXT" echo "# X/11 Display : $DISPLAY" else echo "# X/11 Style : Remote/SSH Tunnel" sshDisplayIp=$(echo $SSH_CLIENT| awk -F' ' '{print $1}') echo "# X/11 Display : $DISPLAY @--> $sshDisplayIp" fi ;; esac } #### # END FUNCTIONS #### # First thing to do is establish a host where the RCS version of this file is available on demand _uname=$(uname) _unameA=$(uname -a) # Into information for user at beginning of login echo "Starting shell initialization, please wait." echo -n "Profile version: " echo '$Revision: 1.10 $' echo -n "Adjusting for platform: " echo $_unameA echo "Part 1: Setting numerous environmental variables..." # NetCool License Server export # SET BLOCKZIE FOR POSIX # values can be '1k' or '1024' echo "Setting POSIX blocksize..." export BLOCKSIZE=1024 #Set remote X server based on SSH remote host #Do not uncomment unless you are not using X11 forwarding on SSH echo "Setting up X/11 DISPLAY..." #export DISPLAY=`echo $SSH_CLIENT | cut -f1 -d ' '`:0 # Who the eff would think that the EMACS docs would ever be bigger than the binary echo "Setting global EDITOR env..." export EDITOR=vim echo "Establishing prompt configuration..." # Colors for a NewerNicer(r) bash prompt # Greets to SteveK (shade) and to whomever he jacked them from export COLOR1="\[\033[0;36m\]" # Dark Cyan export COLOR2="\[\033[1;30m\]" # Light Black (grey maybe) export COLOR3="\[\033[1;36m\]" # Light Cyan export COLOR4="\[\033[0m\]" # export COLOR5="\[\033[1;37m\]" # Light White export COLOR6="\[\033[0;31m\]" # Red export COLOR7="\[\033[0;35m\]" # Purple export COLOR8="\[\033[1;31m\]" # Light Red export COLOR9="\[\033[1;32m\]" # Light Green export COLOR0="\[\033[0;32m\]" # Green export COLORA="\[\033[1;34m\]" # Light Blue export COLORB="\[\033[0;34m\]" # Blue TTYLL="$(echo `tty` | sed 's/\/dev\///')" # quickie chart colors # Black 0;30m # White 1;37m # Blue 0;34m # Light Blue 1;34m # Green 0;32m # Light Green 1;32m # Cyan 0;36m # Light Cyan 1;36m # Red 0;31m # Light Red 1;31m # Purple 0;35m # Pink 1;35m # Brown 0;33m # Yellow 1;33m # Light Gray 0;37m # Dark Gray 1;30m # Decode how to setup the prompt based on X11 or not # Don't use PROMPT_COMMAND if the terminal software is gonna barf (physical terms will barf) case $TERM in xterm*) export PS1="$COLOR3[$COLOR7\d $COLOR3@ $COLOR7\@$COLOR3] $COLOR1\u$COLOR3($COLOR8$TTYLL$COLOR3)@$COLOR1\h$COLOR3[$COLOR6\$(getNumberOfJobs)$COLOR3][$COLOR0\!$COLOR3]$COLOR1:\$PWD$COLOR3($COLOR8\$(getDirDiskUsage)$COLOR3)\$$COLOR4 " export PROMPT_COMMAND='export RSTATUS=$?; echo -ne "[$RSTATUS] "; export PS1; echo -ne "\033]0;${LOGNAME}@${HOSTNAME}:${PWD}\007"' ;; ansi*) export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${LOGNAME}@${HOSTNAME}:${PWD}\007"' ;; *) export PS1='[\d @ \@] \u@\h:$PWD\$ ' ;; esac # Other prompts (some are debuggers) echo "Setting other prompts..." export PS2='more> ' export PS3 export PS4 #Set the path. Keep adding to this as Sun Microsystems and Linux ruin the unix directory structure echo "Setting man paths..." export PATH=~/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X/bin:/usr/x/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/usr/dt/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/contrib/bin:/opt/SUNWspro/bin/:/opt/PGPcmdln/:/var/qmail/bin:/usr/pkg/bin:/usr/pkg/sbin:/usr/proc/bin:/opt/gnome/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin # Man path (same trash talk about Sun and Linux here) echo "Setting up man page paths..." export MANPATH=/usr/pkg/man:/usr/local/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/man:/usr/X/man:/usr/X11R6/man:/usr/X11R5/man # Compiling & Development settings here # CLFAGS & Other Compiler Optimizations echo "Setting up development environment and compiler optimizations..." export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/local/lib:/opt/gnome/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/usr/X/lib #export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/pkg/lib/pkgconfig:/ysr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig" # old solaris h4x that were absolutely essential to using gnu gcc and # binutils on 6,7,8,9 # export LDFLAGS="-ldl -lnsl -lsocket _compilePathsInclude="-I/usr/include -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/X/include" _compilePathsLink="-L/usr/lib -L/usr/pkg/lib -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X/lib" #export LDFLAGS="$_compilePathsInclude $_compilePathsLink" #export CFLAGS="$_compilePathsInclude $_compilePathsLink" #export CPPFLAGS="" #export CXXFLAGS="" # this is needed for SSH aliases below export SSHPATH=$(which ssh) # BEING ALIASES (PART 2) echo "Part 2: Setting numerous aliases..." # Set all aliases echo -n "Index: " parseDFAlias echo -n "df, " alias tr="traceroute" echo -n "tr, " alias ls="ls -laF" echo -n "ls, " alias mx="nslookup -query-type=MX" echo -n "mx, " alias dir='ls -laF | grep "^d"' echo -n "dir, " # alias pine='pine.4.21' # systems patched to 4.3 and renamed binary as per obiits/CMS case # Long live Amber Wolfe alias whois="whois -h" echo -n "whois, " # Some version of top don't check a termcap/term's $height alias top="top 100" echo -n "top, " alias awhois="/usr/bin/whois -h" echo -n "awhois, " alias screen="screen -T $TERM -c ~/.screenrc -e^Ff -s $SHELL" echo -n "screen, " #alias startx="clear & xinit -- -nolisten tcp & logout" #echo -n "startx, " alias ssh="$SSHPATH -2 -v" echo -n "ssh, " alias tarpipe="tar cvf - . | ( cd \!* ; tar xvf - )" echo -n "tarpipe, " alias pgrep="ps -ef|egrep -v -i egrep|grep -i" echo -n "pgrep, " alias rootdig="dig ns" echo -n "rootdig, " alias arindig="dig @ARROWROOT.ARIN.NET ns" echo -n "arindig, " alias cwdig="dig ns" echo -n "cwdig, " alias sprintdig="dig ns" echo -n "sprintdig, " alias seekup="scp -v ${_rootCopyHost}:~/.bash_profile ~" echo -n "seekup, " # need one final echo echo "done." echo "Setting aliases to lower process priority (nice @ +19): " alias rar="nice -n 19 $(which rar)" echo -n "rar, " alias make="nice -n 19 $(which make)" echo -n "make, " alias killGnome="bonobo-slay; oaf-slay; pkill -9 oafd; pkill -9 gconf; pkill -9 bonobo; pkill -9 wombat; pkill -9 esd" echo -n "killGnome, " echo "done." # This is a long story, but I don't think host(8) is the best option at the moment case `uname` in Linux*) alias nslookup="host" esac # PART 3 -- GENERAL SETTINGS echo "Part 3: General Settings..." echo "Setting unmask value..." umask 077 # print out nice stuff to keep you updated - top command sysV oriented - BSD version available in notes echo "Disabling write(1) messages..." # PINE cores enough on its own without the help of TTY crap mesg n # special logout script other than .bash_logout trap '$HOME/.sh_logout; exit 0' EXIT #Stop the slaughter!! Limit core files. echo "Disabling core files..." #ulimit -c 0 #Lastly and most importantly, source your local .bash_profile_local if [ -f ~/.bash_profile_local ]; then echo "Source'ing local bash profile..." source ~/.bash_profile_local else echo "No local Bash profile to source..." fi # PART 4: Advanced BASH Settings echo "Part 4: BASH Settings (readline,shopt,)..." echo 'Legacy "set" options....' echo "Enabling EMACS CLI Edit Mode..." #set -o emacs set -o vi echo "Enabling EOF Exit..." #set -o ignoreeof echo "Disabling file clobber via I/O redirect..." set -o noclobber #set -o noglob echo "Enabling file globbing..." #set -o nounset # MORE - ADJUST LATER ## allexport ## braceexpand ## errexit ## hashall ## histexpand ## keyword ## monitor ## noclobber ## noexec ## noglob ## notify ## nounset ## onecmd ## physical ## privileged ## verbose ## xtrace ## history ## ignoreeof ## interactive-comments ## posix ## emacs ## vi echo 'Newer "shopt" Options...' shopt -u cdable_vars shopt -u cdspell shopt -u checkhash shopt -s checkwinsize shopt -s cmdhist shopt -u dotglob shopt -u execfail shopt -s expand_aliases shopt -u extglob shopt -u histreedit shopt -u histappend shopt -u histverify shopt -s hostcomplete shopt -u huponexit shopt -s interactive_comments shopt -u lithist shopt -u mailwarn shopt -u nocaseglob shopt -u nullglob shopt -s promptvars shopt -u restricted_shell shopt -u shift_verbose shopt -s sourcepath echo "Mail options..." export MAILCHECK=10 echo "Setting new mail check interval to 10 seconds..." export MAIL=/var/mail/lavalamp export MAILPATH=$MAIL echo "Setting mailbox path to $MAILPATH ..." echo "History options..." echo "Disabling duplicate history entries..." export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth export HISTIGNORE="" echo "Setting history ignore pattern to $HISTIGNORE ..." export HISTFILE=~/.bash_history echo "Setting command history file to $HISTFILE ..." export HISTFILESIZE=750000 echo "Setting history database file size to $HISTFILESIZE ..." export HISTSIZE=750000 echo "Setting history database memory size to $HISTSIZE ..." echo "Setting FCEDIT to match EDITOR..." export FCEDIT=$EDITOR # PART 5 echo "Part 5: 3rd Party Utils..." echo "Setting CVS Flags (NOTE: check ~/.cvsrc)..." export CVS_OPTIONS="-z0 -t" # Print a summary... echo "Resetting terminal..." clear # reset $TERM echo "########## SUMMARY REPORT ##########" echo "# Hostname : $(hostname -s)" echo "# Environment : $(uname -s)" echo "# Release : $(uname -r)" echo "# Revision : $(uname -v)" echo "# Architecture : $(uname -p)" echo "# Stepping : $(uname -m)" echo "# Platform : $(uname -i)" echo "# BASH Version : $BASH_VERSION" echo "# UMASK : $(umask)" echo "# Terminal : $TERM" echo "# Editor : $EDITOR" setUpX11 #echo "# X/11 Display : $DISPLAY" echo "# Blocksize : $BLOCKSIZE" echo "# Quota(blocks) : " echo "# Usage(blocks) : " echo "####################################" #echo "" #echo "####################################" #echo "#### Top CPU usage processes: #####" #echo "####################################" #top -d 2 | col -b | head -n 10 | tail -4 echo "####################################" echo "######### Current Users ###########" echo "####################################" w echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" who echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" finger # clean up stale caches (might screw w/ other shells) #find ~ -name ".curDirDiskUsage" | xargs rm # DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS POINT -- GNU RCS REVISION LOG FOLLOWS # # $Log: .bash_profile,v $ # Revision 1.10 2002/12/24 01:50:21 lavalamp # added process list and...disk usage w/ smart caching to PS1 -lava # # Revision 1.9 2002/12/23 21:47:47 lavalamp #'t remember -lava # # Revision 1.8 2002/12/11 22:03:01 lavalamp # more cflags ldflags changes # yay for broken toolchains -lava # # Revision 1.7 2002/12/11 20:09:19 lavalamp # add PKG_CONFIG_PATH -lava # # Revision 1.6 2002/12/11 20:04:43 lavalamp # whatever =/ # # Revision 1.5 2002/03/24 05:04:58 lavalamp # finally did my X/11 code, just needed to check some env's, that's all -lava # # Revision 1.4 2002/03/12 04:15:27 lavalamp # More customization -- enough for now -lava # # Revision 1.3 2002/03/11 07:23:32 lavalamp # More cosmetic fixes -lava # # Revision 1.2 2002/03/11 02:57:21 lavalamp # new fixes -lava # # Revision 1.1 2002/03/11 01:52:13 lavalamp # intial checkin # #