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Venue Info

Meeting to be held at Crazy Mocha at 2100 Murray Avenue in Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, PA 15217. 6:00pm, Tuesday, June 7, 2011.



The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Western Pennsylvania Linux Users Group was held on Tuesday, June 7, 2011, at 6:43 PM, at Crazy Mocha in Squirrel Hill, the regular presiding officer being in the chair and the Secretary being present. The minutes of the May 3, 2011 meeting were approved as previously distributed.

The Chair reported that she would not be running for re-election this year. She is willing to help mentor anyone interested in taking on a leadership position in WPLUG. Contact her at chair@wplug.org.

The Vice-Chair reported that he had received job descriptions for the chairmen of the Internet Committee and Wilkins School Networking Committee from Michael Semcheski and David Kraus, respectively. He will post these to try to recruit people into these positions. He also reported that he needs funds to obtain WPLUG business cards. It was noted that this expenditure was already authorized by the board, so the Treasurer can disburse the funds immediately. The Vice-Chair also reported that a dance class at the Wilkins School Community Center is paying to have curtains installed in the ground floor auditorium; this may help the acoustics of the room.

The Secretary reported that there are currently 24 members.

The Treasurer reported that the balance in the checking account was $705.32. The refreshment fund contains $35.12. The checking balance does not reflect a $30.00 check to the Brookline Library for the use of their meeting room for the June 11 installfest.

The Director-at-Large reported that he made flyers for the installfest to hand out and post. He also reported that he and Michael Loomis are working on a presentation on Linux from Scratch.

The Internet Committee reported that a configuration change was made to the wiki to reduce recent spam. Newly-registered users of the wiki will now have to solve a CAPTCHA to make their first few edits.

The Program Committee reported that chair Beth Lynn Eicher would be unavailable to be involved with event planning after the August picnic, and that the rest of the committee members will need to assume a greater role. It also reported that a coordinator was needed for the Software Freedom Day event in September; Terry Golightly stated he would try to recruit Michael Loomis. Terry Golightly also stated he would try to recruit Nicholas Schembri and Ted Rodgers as speakers. He has attempted to contact Don Vosberg, but has not received a response.

The Newsletter Committee reported that there has been no response to its call for participation.

Terry Golightly stated that he will try to contact Duncan Hutty to serve on the Internet Committee.

Terry Golightly stated that he will attempt to coordinate with Brian Seklecki to build a PXE boot server loaded with various distribution installation images for use during installfests.

Vance Kochenderfer stated that Brian Seklecki has been trying to contact Steve Kondik of CyanogenMod to speak at a future meeting, and will continue to follow up.

The meeting adjourned at 8:26 PM.

Vance Kochenderfer
Secretary, Western Pennsylvania Linux Users Group

(Approved on August 30, 2011 - VK)