Western Pennsylvania Linux Users Group

Revision as of 22:04, 12 October 2006 by Pwagstro (talk | contribs) (added past meetings link.)
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The purpose of the WPLUG Wiki is to keep track of various documents and other "stuff" related to WPLUG.

The main WPLUG page is at http://www.wplug.org

Upcoming Meetings

The offical schedule can always be found at http://www.wplug.org/. Here's the unofficial listing with pages for each talk.

For longer term planning and discussion about future meetings, please see the upcoming meetings page.

Upcoming Related Events

These are events that are not entirely WPLUG, but should be of interest to the WPLUG community.

Organizational Materials

Past Meetings

For information on previous meetings, please see the previous meetings page. If you're new to WPLUG, this will give you an idea of WPLUGs activity level and what sort of things we do.