CRW Reform Packages

Revision as of 13:32, 15 February 2013 by Centinel (talk | contribs) (Added RP2)
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Reform Package 1 (Presented at January 2013 GUM)

  • Eliminate distinctions between virtual meetings and physical meetings for the WPLUG board. Advance proposal for the following change to the bylaws: In Section 8.4, replace the entire first paragraph with the following text: "By default, all Board and committee meetings are held in person, unless the chair of the meeting chooses to schedule a virtual meeting as described herein."
  • Issue a statement on the new board's focus on meeting efficiency
  • Appoint a non-board member as the official timekeeper for each meeting
  • Ask everyone interested in WPLUG to take a CRW-designed survey about WPLUG's problems

Reform Package 2 (Presented at February 2013 GUM)

  • Dissolve the Wilkins School Networking Committee. Document this process thoroughly so that WPLUG is not accused of improper conduct.
  • Dissolve the Newsletter Committee. Make the PR Committee responsible for producing a simple, newsletter-style monthly announcement with all of WPLUG's upcoming events.
  • Make the secretary an ex officio member of the PR Committee.
  • As long as WPLUG uses MediaWiki for its Web site, require all board members to have basic bio information in their user page
  • Rename the remaining committees so that their purpose is clear even to someone who hasn't read about them:
 * Internet Committee -> Technology Maintenance Committee 
 * Program Committee -> Events Planning Committee 
 * PR Committee -> Marketing & Communications Committee
 * Investigating Committee -> Disciplinary Committee
  • Create a WPLUG FAQ that answers common questions people have about our group
  • Create a page with pictures and biographies of board members so that people at our meetings can recognize them
  • Recommend that the Program Committee organize a DIY electronics event involving Arduino or Raspberry Pi: a hackfest or possibly a study group
  • Give WPLUG members a free email account that forwards mail to an address of their choice.
  • Investigate programs that would give WPLUG members discounts.
  • Design a WPLUG membership card that includes how long a person has been a member.
  • Have membership cards printed in bulk at on their NFC-enabled cardstock. NFC is cutting-edge technology, and this fits in with WPLUG's new vision.
  • Move WPLUG's meetings to a more "central" location in the heart of Pittsburgh. (The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh is a current front-runner since it would likely allow us to meet free of charge under certain circumstances. We are still investigating options.)