
Revision as of 04:15, 13 December 2008 by Bseklecki (talk | contribs) (Briefly outline my notes so that I can set some plans for the weekend (to be massively improved by Secretary later))
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This meeting is a continuation of the November 10, 2008 Board meeting.

Venue Info

Meeting to be held at Mike's house. 7:00pm, 9 December 2008.


  1. Reading and Approval of minutes from October 27 and November 10 board meetings
  2. Officer Reports
    1. Chair
    2. Vice Chair
    3. Secretary
    4. Treasurer
    5. Member at Large
  3. Committee Reports
    1. Program
    2. Public Relations
    3. Internet
    4. Investigating
    5. Newsletter
    6. ErieLUG
  4. Unfinished Business
  5. New Business

  • Assignment of roles to board members
  • Figure out future schedule for meetings
  • Discuss goals (http://www.wplug.org/wiki/WPLUGBoard#WPLUG_Goals)
  • December 13 meeting -- what needs to be done.
  • Committee Appointments
  • Moving Checking Account
  • Approximate GUM, Installfest, and Board meeting dates
  • Existing projects assigned to committees
  • Major events and deadlines (Conferences, etc.)
  • Ideas for funneling ideas from GUM's and the list to somewhere useful.
  • Statement for the membership.


NOTE: To be refined by acting secretary at later date ~BAS

  • Business commenced at 7:20 PM EST
    • Dave Karus not present
    • Continuation of Nov 10
  • Minutes from 3x previous meetings approved
  • Reports from Committees
  • New Board
  • Vice Chair Report: No
  • Treasurer: Check from Member - Donation
  • Program Committee Report
  • Internet Committee Report
  • Treasurer Report
    • Discussion on changing bank vendor
      • BAS to discuss CVFCU
    • Discussion about IRS Taxpayer ID allocation (Assigned to Mike)
  • Discussion on mailing list management
    • Agreement to completely audit moderators/managers
  • Office Appointments
    • Treasurer - Dave Kraus
    • Vice Hair: Mattheu
    • Secretary: Vance
    • Chair: Mike
    • Member at Large: Brian
  • Upcoming Events discussion
    • December 13th
      • Send Announcement
      • Wiki/Shell Profile Competition (Category)
      • Potential additional topics / presentation augmentation
    • 4 installfests / 8 GUMs in 2009
    • Protracted discussion on PR committee project dependency on PC committee finalizing venues
  • Discussion about sending the list a 2009 Board Intro/Roadmap
    • Business Cards
  • Venues Discussion
  • Redhat Mirror Services at next Installfest