
Revision as of 03:01, 5 February 2012 by Terryg (talk | contribs) (needed to add setup and tear down time.)
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Order of business:

1:30pm to ~2:00pm Setup. 2:00pm to ~2:30pm General User Meeting 2:30pm to ~5:15pm InstallFest activities 5:15pm to ~5:30pm break down and stow gear

Curious about Free Software/Linux? Tired of spending good coin on a new rig to "upgrade" to the latest and or "greatest" that Cupertino or Redmond have to offer? Then you have come to the right place.

At an InstallFest, bring your aging/new rig and test drive a linux distribution (distro) live (run from you optical/usb drive or just install on a separate partition on your had drive and dual boot oooorrr just wipe that old Redmond install and take the plunge. Go completely Redmond free. (We understand that that is not always possible but we at WPLUG like to think positively).

Several flavors of Linux will be on hand to for you to check out. *Vendors such as Fedora, Kubuntu, Arch or Linux Mint. On hand will be knowledgeable professionals there to help your install go smoothly or help out should something should go awry.

As for hardware, WPLUG recommends hardware not older than 5 years. Keep in mind that there are distributions of Linux that can run and run well on older hardware 586/686. We may not have them on media onsite, but can in most cases be downloaded over our network. However, if this is the case, you might want to post to our mailing list requesting assistance:

  • WPLUG does not endorse any particular Linux distribution.