Summer Slam VIII

Revision as of 17:20, 21 July 2009 by Bseklecki (talk | contribs) (Add mylsef to the attendee list ~BAS)
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Thursday, July 23, 2009, 5 - 8 p.m.
Location: Finnigan's Wake, 20 E. General Robinson Street, 15212

This is an event organized by the Pittsburgh Technology Council. There is no fee to attend, but you do need to register with them. PTC's description of the event:

Developers, leave your code at the office; DBAs, forget Oracle and SQL for one night; CIOs, you can worry about the information technology audit tomorrow. It's time for Pittsburgh user groups to unite! For the eighth consecutive year the summer socials of many Pittsburgh user groups -- including Java, .NET, Oracle, SQL, SharePoint and many others -- combine for a unique night of networking and fun. Learn about the benefits and challenges of each technology through informal conversations with peers. Enjoy free appetizers, raffle prizes and a cash bar. Other participating user groups (tentative) include Coding Dojo, IIBA, IRMAP, ISSA, PES, PghBOUG, PghDW Group, PITCFUG, PMI's IT SIG, PRKMC, STC, WPEAF, WPLUG, WSMQUG and WSUG. Attend and interact with your peers to learn the meaning of each acronym.


We'd like to coordinate WPLUG's representation, so if you're going, add your name below.


If you've got a cool idea for how we can promote WPLUG/Linux/Free Software at the event, add it here!

  • Your idea here
  • Your idea here