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WPLUG will have a General User Meeting and presentation on Saturday, October 31st, 2009, starting at 11am at the Wilkins School Community Center.

Schedule for the Day

10:30am - Doors open, set up
11:00am - Business Meeting starts, elections
11:30am - Featured Presentation
12:30pm - Meeting ends, everyone out. We are likely to go to D's 6pack or Square Cafe for lunch.


At this meeting, we will elect the WPLUG Board of Directors for 2009-2010.

Votes may be cast by mail or in person at the meeting. Your vote must be received before the polls close to be counted, so show up by 11:00am to be sure you get to cast yours.

The ballot for this election is available here. Blank ballots will also be available at the meeting. Detailed instructions for voting are given at Election Instructions.

Those who were nominated at the September 19, 2009 nominations meeting and have agreed to be candidates are (in alphabetical order):

  • Matthew Hughes
  • Vance Kochenderfer
  • David Kraus
  • David Ostroske
  • Nicholas Schembri
  • Brian Seklecki
  • Michael Semcheski


  • Mathieu Dubé was nominated but has declined.

Ask the Candidates

There will be a special ask the candidates session in the WPLUG IRC channel (, channel #wplug) on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 from 8-9pm. We encourage all members to attend and ask questions of the candidates.

The log of the IRC session is now available.

Candidate Statements

Vance Kochenderfer

If elected, this would be my fourth consecutive year on the Board of Directors, and I plan to not seek re-election afterward. I feel comfortable in the role of Secretary, and would like to finish off my unfulfilled intent to set up an online membership portal to allow members to join and update their information more easily. Over the past year I believe I've been successful in making minutes available on the wiki and members mailing list and keeping the member rolls up to date. Any suggestions for improvement are welcome, and remember you are always welcome to contribute - easy ways to get started are by joining one of our Committees or simply helping improve the wiki.

Mike Semcheski

I've been the Vice-Chair of the last Board, and the Chair of the current board. If asked to serve, I will, but I am not actively seeking election. My family has increased in size by 50% in the last month, and I will be serving them first.

Candidate's Name

Enter a paragraph or two expressing your agenda for the coming year.


Beth Lynn Eicher will present on "Open Source Community in the Age of Participation"

This presentation is influenced by Jono Bacon's "Art of Community" book: Mrs. Eicher will share insight from her 10 years experience in leadership in this Linux user group and the Ohio LinuxFest.

Linux User Groups continue to exist while Linux becomes ubiquitous and simplistic. Since the open source software we enjoy has grown to be more inclusive, user communities must do so as well. As an example, Mrs. Eicher will explain how anyone, especially those new to open source, can make a bunch of folks into a community. Examples as how to get involved as a non-elected leader in an organization such as WPLUG will be discussed.

Meeting Minutes

To be added.

Meeting Staff

If you would like to volunteer to assist with this meeting, please add your name to one or more of the categories below.

  • Host: User:Mhs
  • Co-Host: Your name here
  • Donuts/Bagels: L. A. Weber (doughnuts)
  • Setup: Your name here, Your name here
  • Clean Up: Your name here, Your name here


  • Your name/location here