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WPLUG will have a General User Meeting and presentation on Saturday, November 14, 2015 starting at 3:00pm at HackPittsburgh. Elections for the Board of Directors will be held.

Schedule for the Day

3:00pm - Doors open, set up
3:15pm - Business Meeting starts, election
3:30pm - Featured presentation
5:00pm - Meeting ends, everyone out.


At this meeting, we will elect the WPLUG Board of Directors for 2015-2016.

Votes may be cast by mail or in person at the meeting. Your vote must be received before the polls close to be counted, so show up by 3:00pm to be sure you get to cast yours.

The ballot for this election will be e-mailed to the membership and made available on the wiki. Blank ballots will also be available at the meeting. Detailed instructions for voting are given at Election Instructions.

Those who were nominated at the October 24, 2015 nominations meeting and have agreed to be candidates are (in alphabetical order):

  • Patrick Barron
  • Terry Golightly
  • Vance Kochenderfer
  • John Lewis
  • Joseph Prostko
  • Justin Smith

Candidate Statements

Patrick Barron

To be added.

Terry Golightly

To be added.

Vance Kochenderfer

My focus for 2015-2016 is the presentations at WPLUG meetings. By recruiting speakers well in advance, and focusing on quality, we can have a program to promote and build the organization. We have seen a continuing drop in attendance, and I believe that having pre-announced talks on cool topics by great speakers is the way to reverse this. I base this on past experience; for example, between December 2004 and June 2005, we had talks on the following subjects: DocBook, Kernel Configuration, User-Mode Linux, RPMs, SysAdmin Basics, Managing an Open Source Project, Linux in Mission-Critical Applications, Subversion, MythTV, and Regular Expressions. Attendance was much stronger then, and we can get there again. I will put my energy into reaching out to potential speakers using my network and others I know through the Ohio LinuxFest and WPLUG's past.

John Lewis

To be added.

Joseph Prostko

To be added.

Justin Smith

I'm running because I want to make WPLUG a more welcoming organization. There are some in the Linux community who feel it's acceptable to express the same sort of condescending arrogance that popular figures such as Linus Torvalds espouse. It isn't. That attitude has damaged our reputation to such a degree that many of our long-term members/attendees now want little to do with us.

While I think we can all appreciate some good-natured teasing, such as the Vim vs Emacs holy wars, we need people on the board who can invite participation from users of all walks of life, and I have a record of doing just that.

The year before last, I was chairman of the board. I helped arrange for several meetings that were particularly successful, such as a talk about Blender at Pittsburgh Filmmakers that was widely attended - not just by WPLUG regulars, but by people who hadn't had prior exposure to open source software.

I hope to be a positive influence by arranging for similar such events and encouraging WPLUG's participation in open source projects. I will work against any individuals who attempt to tear down our community.


Description to be added.

Meeting Minutes

To be added.

Meeting Staff

If you would like to volunteer to assist with this meeting, please add your name to one or more of the categories below.

  • Host: Your name here
  • Co-Host: Your name here
  • Setup: Your name here
  • Clean Up: Your name here


  • Your name/location here