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On March 26, 2014, an anonymous user at made an edit removing information about the speaker and topic, claiming

I (Kris "Piki") did not agree nor plan to speak here, and this is the first time I've heard of WPLUG. I discovered this in Google and do not appreciate people posting stuff about me without my approval

In March 2010, someone using a gmail address that appears (by usage elsewhere) to belong to Kristopher "Piki" Gamrat corresponded with a WPLUG events committee member, volunteering to present on either usage of Linux in the community, or live installation of a distribution within VirtualBox. This event page was created in anticipation of his presentation. An account named "Piki" was created on this wiki, and was confirmed via e-mail on March 10, 2010 using an e-mail address which appears to belong to Mr. Gamrat. On March 23, the gmail correspondent confirmed his availability for the April meeting, and confirmed on April 7 that he would present. On April 8, the Piki account made an edit to the meeting page with some minor changes to the biographical information.

I cannot confirm with certainty that the person who corresponded with WPLUG and registered the Piki account here is the real thing, as I have not personally met him. However, the documentary evidence outweighs an anonymous edit, which could have been made by anyone. Should the genuine Piki wish to make the case that the prior e-mails were forgeries or the result of a hacked account, he can contact to discuss. - Vance (talk) 20:18, 30 March 2014 (EDT)

I (Kris "Piki") have attempted to contact the info@ address twice from my Hushmail account, with no response either time. If desired, I can send a note signed with my OpenPGP key stating my identity, and confirm the fingerprint with someone in or near East Pittsburgh in order to confirm my identity.