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Let me present a slightly different perspective. In my view, the ideal time for a newly-elected Board to meet is at the election meeting, assuming all the elected individuals are present. A recess can be called for this purpose (during which the presenter can talk). Those elected can decide how they want to divide up the offices, then once the meeting is called back to order, the decision is announced there to the membership. The new officers would then take office when the election meeting adjourns. They will have their first Board meeting whenever the next one is scheduled (or at the call of the Chair if one has not been set). It is not a bad idea to also invite any former Board members to talk about transition issues.

The second-best option IMO is for the newly-elected Board to meet soon after the election meeting; say, within a week. Only the new officers-elect need be present. After choosing offices, they would notify the Secretary, who would then send an announcement out to the wplug-members list. At that moment, the new people take office, and they will be the ones to attend the next Board meeting. - Vance 00:24, 13 December 2012 (UTC)

The list was sort of modeled on what we did last year, as it seemed like that worked fairly well. But I think my primary goal in building the list was to mainly capture a list of what tasks need to be done as part of the transition (what things need to be handed off, what forms need to be filled out, etc.)... I'm still concerned that I've missed something. If there's anything else you can think of, please add... - Pat 04:53, 13 December 2012 (UTC)