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Venue Info

Meeting to be held at Panera Bread #3506 at 7217 McKnight Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. 3:30pm, Sunday, December 30, 2012.



1. The meeting was called to order at 3:52 PM. Director-at-large John Lewis was not in attendance.

2. The board discussed when to hold its meetings. We decided to hold them on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm.

3. The board discussed when to hold WPLUG's general user meetings. We tentatively decided to hold them on second Saturday of each month.

4. The board reviewed committee assignments for the upcoming year:

  • No changes to the Internet committee.
  • Pat Barron takes over as chair of the Program Committee, and Terry Golightly will remain on the committee as a regular member. The board will ask Brian Seklecki about his interest in remaining on the Program Committee. Judi Galardi's listing on the Program Committee was erroneous and will be removed.
  • No changes to the Investigating Committee. The board will ask the members if they are still interested in remaining on the committee. (Redacted) We discussed the past activities of the Investigating Committee.
  • No changes to the Newsletter Committee.
  • Justin Smith takes over as ex-officio chair of the PR Committee, and Pat Barron joins as a member.
  • No changes to the Wilkins School Networking Committee.

5. Keys to the WPLUG P.O. Box were distributed to the new board members.

6. Chair Pat Barron will send secretary Justin Smith a copy of the roster. Pat or Vance will set up an account for Justin Smith.

7. Outgoing treasurer Pat Barron gave WPLUG's financial records and checkbook to incoming treasurer Terry Golightly and explained how they are organized.

Pat gave Terry money from InstallFest, his membership dues, and loose cash.

8. No changes to signature authority. Terry and Pat will retain authority, and will send in a letter reflecting their new titles on the bank.

9. The mailing lists have already been updated.

10. Justin will update the Committee lists.

11. Board member list has already been updated.

12. We reviewed the inventory list on the WPLUG wiki and made a few updates:

  • Pat has the projector.
  • Justin Smith takes possession of key #2.
  • Coffee maker, hot water pot, kitty dish, and cups/paper plates/utensils changed location to WSCC community center.

13. Pat handed over Joe's membership renewal and paper ballots from the previous election to Justin.

14. Justin signed the EIN IRS letter.

15. Board email aliases have already been updated.

16. Pat and Terry will perform all post-transition meeting tasks listed in the official checklist.

17. Vice chair Justin reported on his conversation with Dave Sevick of Computer Reach. Dave wanted to solicit participation for Computer Reach's charitable projects. Due to the difficulty WPLUG is having with member participation, the board cannot make a commitment to Computer Reach at this time. Dave is still interested in holding a meeting with the WPLUG board to discuss the areas where Computer Reach and WPLUG can work together.

No new business from any other board members.

18. The meeting was adjourned at 4:47 pm.